An unfortunate incident happened in village Thorhi Bijar in Drigh police station in Kamber-Shahdadkot district Tuesday (March 24) where three accused belonging to an influential landlord’s family entered into the house of a poor man Manzoor Tunio and tortured his wife Kamalaan while putting black and blue colour.
The accused also set their thatched house on fire too while injuring both husband and wife. The accused were identified as Sartaj and Sadam sons of Ranjhan Tunio and Mujahid sons of Fazal Mohammad, KTN News reporter Qadir Lashari reported on his FaceBook page.
According to people the local police and SHO of the area are supporting the criminals. Reports said the incident happened after a dispute between the son of the victim woman on a petty matter. The woman said she is not aware of the whereabouts of her son, who she apprehends might have been kidnapped by the accused. The woman is mentally shocked and under medical treatment.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of the district, Imran Qureshi reached the village and ensured the victim's provision of justice.
So far no action has been taken against the accused and police have also not registered a case against anyone.
Meanwhile, local people said that the SHO of the area Abdus Salam Chandio is supporting the accused. The SHO is said to be in the area for the last four years and local landlords and influential persons are supporting the SHO and in the reciprocating act, he always supports criminals.
Latest: DIG of Larkana ranger Irfan Ali Baloch in a FaceBook post on his page stated: “The woman named Kamala Tunio appeared at PS Drigh district Qambar n complained about maltreatment n beating by her rivals. Police have arrested the main accused Fazal Tunio. Fir is being lodged n raids r being conducted for the arrest of the rest of the accused.”
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