A video is viral on social media today, which shows a number of Baghri (Dalit) community women protesting in Wahi Pandi town in Johi taluka (Dadu district) in Sindh against kidnapping and then torture and rape of a young Dalit girl on charges of stealing tomatoes from an agricultural farm of an influential person.
The Sindhi channel KTN reported the incident in which the victim girl along with other women was narrating the ordeal with the girl. They said unknown miscreants attacked their homes and tortured the male members on alleged stealing of tomatoes from their fields. They later kidnapped the girl and tore apart her shirt as well.
These poor Dalits minority communities are experts in agriculture work and in Sindh, most of their women work on the forms for daily wages.
In Pakistan, tomatoes were becoming costlier in recent months due to short of crop production in Sindh and Balochistan due to heavy rains. After imports from Iran, the prices of tomatoes have come down substantially.
Police were not providing any support or security to the victim's family.