Showing posts with label Karachi Press CLub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karachi Press CLub. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Labour Day 2020: Lackluster due to COVID_19

This year International Workers Day or May Day is being observed across the world amid lockdowns in most of countries due to Pandemic Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

“Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” has been a famous slogan of Marx, which the workers of the world adopted and it became the main slogan during May Day rallies across the world. But this year those rallies are not going to happen due to COVID-19 lockdowns.

One can recall that International Workers’ Day is observed on the first of May every year to remember the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago. The Haymarket affair riot was the aftermath of a bombing that took place at a labour demonstration on May 4, 1886, at Haymarket Square in Chicago.

“Eight-hour day with no cut in pay” was the popular slogan of the Chicago workers.

In 1904 the 6th Conference of the Second International called on “all Social Democratic Party organisations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace.

Besides Pakistan, the first of May is a national, public holiday in many countries across the world, in most cases as “Labour Day”, “International Workers’ Day” or some similar name. It is interesting to note that some countries celebrate Labour Day on other dates significant to them, such as the United States and Canada celebrate their Labour Day on the first Monday of September.

Trade unions and labour-supporting organisations throughout Pakistan organise seminars, rallies and parades where union leaders deliver speeches emphasizing the history of Labour Day and its importance. In Karachi, for many years, the main function is held at Karachi Press Club where trade unions, workers' wings of political parties, journalists unions and other labour organisations gather and their leaders address the seminars or conferences.

A night before the May Day a lamp/candle rally was held every year in support of Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi’s workers from Karachi Press Club to Shaheen Complex.

Representatives of various trade unions, civil society, lawyers, teachers, human rights organizations and other workers have been joining the rally in solidarity with workers. The fight for union rights at the Karachi hotel began in September 2001, when management announced that due to a decline in bookings it would sack all casual and temporary workers and eliminate one day of paid work per week for permanent staff.

The management fired 350 workers without informing the union. The dismissal letters were published in a daily newspaper on November 8, and the workers were barred from entering the hotel when they reported for work the next day.

More than 40 permanent employees, including union officers, were then brutally sacked for defending the rights of the dismissed workers. In 2002, the management arranged for leaders of the union to be falsely accused of crimes. Three union leaders spent more than two months in prison on fabricated charges without a single piece of evidence ever being produced. Since then the issue is still unresolved. The Sindh labour department had attempted to solve the issue, but it remains unresolved due to the adamant attitude of the PC management.

This year’s May Day is unusual in the history of the labour movement as the workers are unable to observe as they are simultaneously hard-hit because of the prolonged lockdown since March 23 as most of the industries and businesses are completely or partially shut down and many companies have started laying off their employees due to closure of markets, transport and shipping services and shopping markets.

Although Sindh government has issued a notification barring the industries from laying off their workers and making payment of wages for the month of March, some industries have still not followed the government orders and removed services of many of their workers. Others owners have not paid even March’s salaries.

Now the issue of payment of wages for April and May months is still unresolved as industries have refused to pay further due to no work during April. Although the State Bank of Pakistan has offered a special package for the industries and businesses to get loans on very discounted rats from banks to pay salaries to their staff. This 4-5 percent markup loan is payable with softer terms.

Pakistan with an estimated labour force of 61 million was already facing economic hardships due to widening trade gap as its imports are double than export proceeds. This situation further worsened during the last two years as the the new government of Prime Minister Imran Khan has failed to improve the economy. It has massively devalued Pakistan currency and impose curbs on imported goods. This has improved the situation of trade deficit but local industries have suffered due to tight economic polices and tax regimes. The COVID_19 crisis has further aggravated the economy’s situation as the international financial institutions predict a negative growth in Gross Domestic Produce (GDP) during the next fiscal year. This year’s growth would be less than 2 percent.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lockdown Dairy: Is it really extended till 30th April?

Lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the entire country has been extended till April 30 and the federal cabinet approved this decision on 14th April followed by a formal nod by the National Coordination Committee, which is a reprehensive body consisting of the federal government, all provinces and armed forces.

The current period of nationwide lockdown has expired on the 14th.  Prime Minister Imran Khan along with his cabinet members addressed a press conference in the evening in which he said certain sectors are being opened, however, the lockdown is to continue till 30th, especially where there are chances of gatherings.

India has also hinted at the extent of its 21-day lockdown till May 3 as the case of cornavirus has increased there.

Although this was a demand from the Sindh provincial government to extend the ongoing lockdown due to an increase in the cases of coronavirus in the province, the provincial government was being severely criticized by the ruling PIT and other coalition partners due to economic losses to the businessmen. Two federal ministers from PTI Ali Zaidi and Faisal Vawda spoke bluntly in the media previous days against the Sindh government.

Today two major press conferences were held in Karachi. The traders’ representatives held a press conference early this morning announcing to open up their businesses by tomorrow at all costs (by violating the government orders). However, they put off their decision for two days after the federal government’s announcement in the evening.

Another important press conference was also held at Karachi Press Club in which the so-called Ulema of all sects including Mufti Taqi Usmani, Mufti Muneebur Rehman, Shah Owais Noorani (JUP), Mohammad Hussain Mehnati (JI) and others in which they announced to end lockdowns in the mosques and start 5-time prayers from 15th April.

Moreover, they also announced that Tarawih prayers and Itikaf will continue as per schedule during the forthcoming Holy month of Ramzan. They called on people coming to mosques to practice social distancing, come with Wuzu from homes and wear masks. Mufti Munib urged the government to not arrest people from within mosques. All those who have been arrested should be released, he said.

President Dr Arif Alvi has convened a high-level meeting of religious leaders of all sects on April 18 to discuss restrictions on religious gatherings during the lockdown. It is a matter of fact that Saudi Arabia has announced to suspension of Taraweeh during Ramzan because of the coronavirus.

The Pakistani religious leaders have been violating the government’s lockdown orders and many cases of violence and attack on police have been reported during the last two Fridays in which not only Juma congregations were held in Karachi in many parts but people resorted to violence against the law enforcement agencies in some areas. The government seems to be helpless against the religious zealots who are bent to violate the lockdown orders and instigate the general public to take laws into their hands.

Despite the persistent pressure from traders and the federal government of PTI, the Sindh government has still sustained all types of pressures and remained steadfast in its decisions to implement the lockdown. Last week, the provincial government announced to seal of 11 union councils in District East of Karachi due to more reported cases of coronavirus in those areas. This decision was not only criticised by residents of those areas, but the Supreme Court of Pakistan during its hearing of the suo moto case on the government’s measures to control coronavirus also questioned the purpose of such sealing of the residential areas.

The provincial government seems to be reluctant to succumb to any pressure from anywhere, but there is apparent ineffectiveness of the lockdown in many parts of Sindh as reports of people roaming around are coming from everywhere, especially in rural areas. A huge rush at the centres to receive Prime Minister’s coronavirus support fund is reported from many areas of interior Sindh.

In Karachi also the situation in congested areas, Katchi Abadis and Lyari is not satisfactory as people are not observing the lockdown orders and roaming around. Many people have been arrested in violation of orders and violence of police on citizens is reported on social media.

Currently all public transport is closed down, but the private cars, rickshaws and Chingchis (rickshaws carrying 8 passengers) are plying on the city’s many arrears.

Ration distribution and payment of Rs 12,000 under the PM programme have not reached all people as still a large number of people can be seen sitting at the roadsides in many areas or begging near the fruit and grocery markets.

Inefficiency, corruption and lack of essential equipment are the main reasons of non-observance of the lockdown orders in Sindh.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

احفاظ الرحمان: ایک دانشورصحافی اور صحافی حقوق کے رہنما

میں ایک صاحب کردار آدمی ہوں
اور ایک صاحب کردار آدمی کی حیثیت سے
یہ چاہتا ہوں کہ جب مروں تو
میرا چہرہ سورج کی طرف ہو : احفاظ الرحمان

کینسر جیسے موذی مرض سے جنگ لڑتے ہوئے سینئر صحافی اور پاکستان فیڈرل یونین آف جرنلسٹس کے مرکزی لیڈر احفاظ الرحمان آج (12 اپريل 2020) اتوار کو دن طلوع ہونے سے پہلے اس دنیا سے کوچ کرگئے۔ وہ نا صرف ایک اچھے لکھاری تھے مگر ایک اعلی پیمانے کے شاعربھی تھے۔ ان کے گلے کے کینسر کا آپریشن ہوا تھا اورانہوں نے باقائدہ علاج سے بیماری کو شکست بھی دے دی تھی، مگراس دوران وہ کافی کمزور ہوگئے تھے جس کی وجہ سے ان کو کئی مرتبہ ہسپتال میں داخل ہونا پڑا تھا۔ اس لاک ڈائوں کے دنوں میں بھی وہ ہسپتال میں داخل ہوگئے تھے۔ صبح صبح ان کی شریک حیات مہناز رحمان کی فیس بوک پوسٹ دیکھے جس میں انہوں نے یہ افسوسناک خبر دی اور اوپر دیا گیا شعر بھی شامل کیا تھا، جس کا ایک ٹکڑہ میں نے شیئر کیا ہے۔

جب میں نے 1991 سے انگریزی صحافت میں قدم رکھا تو احفاظ صاحب کو نہیں جانتا تھا، مگر جب بھی کراچی پریس کلب میں جانا ہوتا تھا تو اکثر ان کے اشعاراورنظمیں کلب کے نوٹس بورڈ پر آویزاں دیکھتا تھا اور پڑہتا رہتا تھا۔ دوستوں نے بتایا کہ وہ جنگ اخبار میں کام کرتے ہیں۔

پھر شین – فرخ کے ساتھ مل کر انٹر پریس کمیونیکیشن (آئی پی سی) میں حصہ لینا شروع کیا تو ان کے گلشن اقبال والی صحافی کالونی کے گھر پر مہناز رحمان سے ملاقاتیں ہوئیں، اس طرح احفاظ صاحب سے بھی تعارف ہوا۔ مگر ان سے قربت تب ہوئی جب میں نے کے یو جے اور کراچی پریس کلب کی سیاست میں حصہ لینا شروع کیا۔ وہ ہمارے رہمنا تھے اوراکثر اوقات الیکشن کے دوران ہدایات دیتے تھے۔ بہت ساری میٹنگز میں میں نے ان کو کئی سینئر رہنمائوں کو ڈانٹے ہوئے بھی دیکھا تھا، اوراکثر اراکین ان سے بہت ڈرتے بھی تھے۔ مگر پریس کلب میں جو دوشخصیات مجھے بہت محبت سے ملتے تھے ان میں احفاظ صاحب اور مرحوم محمود علی اسد تھے۔

احفاظ صاحب کی ٹریڈ یونین کے لیے طویل جدوجہد ہے جس کی داستان بھی اتنی ہی طویل ہے۔ انہوں نے جنرل ضیا کی مارشل لا کے دوران آزادیء صحافت کے لیے پی ایف یو جے کی جدوجہد میں نمایاں کردار ادا کیا اور جیل بھی گئے اور ان کو بلیک لسٹ کردیا گیا جس کی وجہ سے کافی عرصے تک بے روزگاربھی رہے۔

بے نظیر بھٹو کے پہلے دور میں ان کو چائنا میں کام کرنے کا موقع ملا جہاں سے ان کی شریک حیات مہناز رحمان باقائدگی سے اخبارجہاں میں چائنا کی صورتحال پر کالم بھی لکھتی رہی ہیں۔

احفاظ صاحب ایک بڑے صحافی بھی تھے۔ پروفیشنل معاملات میں بھی میں نے سنا ہے کہ بہت سخت تھے، کام میں کوئی کوتاہی برداشت نہیں کرتے تھے۔ جنگ کے بعد جب ایکسپریس اخبار نکلا تو وہ اس کے ادارتی عملے میں شامل ہوگئے۔ ان کے کالم بھی ایکسپریس میں چھپتے تھے۔

جب ملٹری ڈکٹیٹر جنرل پرویز مشرف نے 2007 میں ملک میں ایمرجنسی لگا کر ٹی وی چینلز پر بھی پابندیاں لگائیں توانہوں نے کراچی میں صحافیوں کے احتجاج کی سربراہی کی اور کراچی پریس کلب کے سامنے پولیس کے ڈنڈے بھی کھائے اور گرفتار بھی ہوئے۔ بعد میں جب صحافیوں کو چھوڑا جارہا تھا تو انہوں نے لاک اپ سے نکلے سے انکار کردیا اور پولیس والوں سے کہا کہ جب تک آخری صحافی کو چھوڑا نہیں جاتا وہ لاک اپ سے باہر نہیں آئیں گے۔

وہ کئی کتابوں کے مصنف بھی تھے جس میں ان کی شاعری کے مجموعے بھی شامل تھے۔

مجھے احساس ہے کہ ایک فیملی کے سربراہ کے طور پر یہ ان کی فیملی کے لیے بہت بڑا نقصان ہے اور میں ہماری سول سوسائٹی کی ایک اہم ساتھی محترمہ مہناز رحمان سے اس موقع پر دلی افسوس اور تعزیت کا اظہار کرتا ہوں اوران کے درجات بلند ہونے کی دعا کرتاہوں۔ یقیناً یہ ایک بہت بڑا صحافتی نقصان بھی ہے اور اس خال کو پر کرنے میں کئی سال لگ سکتے ہیں۔